
Pada suatu petang, terlihat seorang wanita berjalan terhuyung-huyung.Pakaianya yang serba hitam menandakan bahawa ianya berada dalam dukacita yangmencekam. Kerudungnya menagkup rapat hampir seluruh wajahnya.Tanpa rias muka atau perhiasan pada di tubuhnya. Kulit yang bersih, tubuh yang ramping dan raut wajah yang ayu, tidak dapat menghapus kesan kepedihan yang tengah melanda hidupnya.
Ia melangkah terseret-seret mendekati kediaman Nabi Musa a.s. diketuknya pintu perlahan-lahan sambil mengucapkan salam. Maka terdengarlah ucapan dari dalam "Silakan masuk". Wanita cantik itu lalu berjalan masuk sambil kepalanya terus tertunduk. Air matanya berderai tatkala ia berkata, "Wahai Nabi Allah. Tolonglah saya. Doakan saya agar Tuhan berkenan mengampuni dosa keji saya." Apakah dosamu wahai wanita ayu?" tanya Nabi Musa as terkejut. "Saya takut mengatakannya." jawab wanita tersebut. "Katakanlah jangan ragu-ragu! " desak Nabi Musa as.
Maka perempuan itu pun mula bercerita, "Saya telah berzina." Kepala Nabi Musa as terangkat, hatinya tersentak. Perempuan itu meneruskan, "Dari perzinaan itu saya pun hamil. Setelah anak itu lahir, saya telah mencekik lehernya sampai mati", ucap wanita itu seraya menagis semahu-mahunya.
Nabi Musa amat marah sehingga merah matanya. Dengan berang ia mengherdik "Perempuan jahat, pergi kamu dari sini! Agar siksa Allah tidak jatuh ke dalam rumahku kerana perbuatanmu. Pergi!"...teriak Nabi Musa as sambil memalingkan muka karena jijik. Wanita tersebut pun segera pergi dengan hati yang hancur luluh.
Wanita tersebut keluar dari dalam rumah Nabi Musa as beserta tangisan yang amat memilukan. Ia tak tahu harus kemana lagi hendak mengadu kerana apabila seorang Nabi sudah menolaknya, bagaimana pula manusia lain bakal menerimanya? Terbayang betapa besar dosanya dan jahat perbuatannya.tidak tahu bahwa sepeninggalnya, Malaikat Jibril turun mendatangi Nabi Musa as lalu bertanya, "Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak bertaubat dari dosanya? Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar daripadanya?" Nabi Musa as terperanjat. Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari dosa berzina dan membunuh?" Maka Nabi Musa as dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu bertanya kepada Jibril.
"Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada dosa yang wanita itu lakukan?" "Ada!" jawab Jibril dengan tegas. "Dosa apakah itu?"tanya Nabi Musa as dengan rasa ingin tahu.
"Orang yang meninggalkan solat dengan sengaja dan tanpa menyesal. Dosa orang itu lebih besar dari pada seribu kali berzina"Setelah mendengar penjelasan ini ,Nabi Musa as kemudian memanggil wanita tadi untuk menghadap kembali kepadanya. Ia mengangkat tangan dengan khusyuk untuk memohon keampunan kepada Allah untuk perempuan tersebut.
Nabi Musa as menyedari, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja dan tanpa penyesalan adalah sama saja seperti berpendapat bahawa sembahyang itu tidak wajib dan tidak perlu ke atas dirinya. Bermaksud, dia seakan-akan menganggap remeh perintah Allah, bahkan seolah-olah menganggap Allah tiada hak untuk mengatur dan memerintah hambaNya.
Sedangkan orang yang bertaubat dan menyesali dosanya dengan bersungguh-sungguh bererti masih mempunyai iman di dalam dada, yakin bahawa Allah S.W.T itu ada dan berada di jalan ketaatan kepadaNya. Itulah sebabnya Allah pasti mahu menerima taubatnya.
Dikutip dari buku 30 kisah teladan - KH Abdurrahman Arroisy Dalam hadist Nabi SAW disebutkan : Orang yang meninggalkan solat lebih besar dosanya berbanding dengan orang yang membakar 70 buah Al-Qur'an, membunuh 70 nabi dan bersetubuh dengan ibunya di dalam Ka'bah. Dalam hadis yang lain disebutkan bahwa orang yang meninggalkan solat sehingga terlewat waktu, kemudian ia mengqadanya, maka ia akan disiksa dalam neraka selama satu huqub.
Satu huqub bersamaan lapan puluh tahun. Satu tahun terdiri dari 360 hari,sedangkan satu hari diakhirat perbandingannya adalah seribu tahun di dunia. Demikianlah kisah Nabi Musa dan wanita pezina dan dua hadist Nabi, mudah-mudahan menjadi pelajaran bagi kita dan timbul niat untuk melaksanakan kewajiban solat dengan istiqomah.
English version
One lonely evening, a woman was seen walking with a stagger through an alleyway. Her dress was all black indicating that she was in great distress. Her face was almost fully covered by her veil and she had neither makeup nor any accessories adorning her body. Her clean skin, lean body and beautiful face could not get rid of the grief that had been tearing her apart. She set out to drag herself towards the residence of Prophet Moses (AS).
She knocked on the door slowly and gave the greeting of peace. Then someone answered the greeting from the inside and said, “Please come in”. The beautiful lady then entered with her head bowed and looking down at floor. Her tears were dripping from her eyes when she said, “O Allah’s Prophet, please help me. Make do’a (supplication) to God to ask for forgiveness for my dreadful sin.”
“What sin have you committed, O beautiful lady?” Prophet Moses (AS) asked.
“I am so scared to say it,” the beautiful lady replied.
“Say it please, don’t hesitate,” Prophet Moses insisted.
The lady then recounted hesitantly, “I have…. Committed zina (adultery/fornication)”
Prophet Moses’s (AS) lifted his head up, his feeling was really disturbed. With a heart as though a glass smashing on the rock, the lady with a beautiful face immediately got up and walked away in embarrassment. She stumbled and flinched away from the house of Prophet Moses (AS). Her wail and cry was so pitiful. She did not know where else to report to. In fact she did not want to know where her feet would bring her next. If a Prophet had already turned her away, what could she expect from ordinary people?
By the treatment she had just received from Prophet Moses (AS), she could imagine how big her sins were and how evil her deeds had been. But she did not know that soon after she left, Angel Gabriel came down to see Prophet Moses (AS). Ar-Ruhul Amin Jibreel (Gabriel the spirit of Faith and Truth, see Q. 26:193) asked Prophet Moses (AS),
“Why did you reject a lady who wanted to repent from her sins? Don’t you know that there is a sin much bigger than what she did?”
Prophet Moses (AS) was shocked and overwhelmed with curiosity, “What is that sin bigger than the disgraceful acts of the fornicating and murdering woman?” Prophet Moses (AS) asked Gabriel (AS) further,
“Is it true that there is a sin greater than that of the disgusting woman?” "Yes, there is!" Gabriel (AS) answered firmly. "What is that sin?" Prophet Moses (AS) was getting more anxious.
"A person who deliberately miss 'solat' and not regretting it. The sin of that person is greater than committing 'zina' a thousand time."
Hearing this clarification Prophet Moses (AS) immediately summoned the woman back to his house. He then lifted his hands up with full of reverence asking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for that woman. Prophet Moses (AS) realized a person who intentionally neglects solat and takes it lightly without any feeling of guilt or remorse is the same as if believing that solat is not obligatory and not required on him.
It is as if regarding God’s command as insignificant, moreover it is as if believing that God does not have any right to coordinate and regulate the lives of His slaves. Whereas if a person repents and expresses his regret over his sins with all his heart, it means that he still has Iman in his heart as well as believing that Allah (SWT) is always there if we are in the path of submission to Him. It is for this reason that God never refuse to accept the coming of His repenting slaves. (Quoted from the book 30 Exemplary Stories).
In a hadith of the Prophet (SAW) it was mentioned that a person who neglect solat is committing a greater sin compared to a person who burns 70 Al-Qur'an, murders 70 prophets and fornicate with his own mother inside the Ka'bah!... In a different hadith it was said that a person who leave solat until its time is over and then Qadha (performing it out of the prescribed time) the solat, then he will be punished in hell for duration of one ‘huqub’. A ‘huqub’ is equivalent to 80 years, and a year has 360 days in it, whereas the comparison for one day in the ‘akhira’ (afterlife) is like a thousand year in this world.
There goes the story of Prophet Moses (AS) and a adulteress, and the two hadiths of the Prophet SAW), may they serve as lessons and inspire the believing men or women not to ever miss solat! Ameen!